"I do not run to add days to my life. I run to add LIFE to my days."

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


In these lyrics, by the genius band Coldplay, I find a strikingly familiar worldview forming in myself.

No I don't want to battle from beginning to end
I don't want a cycle of recycled revenge.
I don't want to follow death and all of its friends

Recently as i'm trying to look at life n a broad sense; 5, 10 years down the line for example and look at the life patterns all around me, i see little hope of much change or variance. "That's just the way things are" type of attitude I do not want to embrace, at least not to the point that i stop questioning why i do what i do, why organizations, businesses, countries, governments, or artists do what they do. Life is so cyclical and I keep coming back to it.

Most of what has been coming to my mind of late is, child rearing. Perhaps this is from attending some parenting classes at my internship or from my curiosity in young children from my psychology of religion class this semester. Whatever the case, I am finding that being in touch with our own experiences from childhood, the good and bad, embarrassing and empowering is important when we decide to bring other people into the world via procreation! Or when we decide to make an intentional difference or relationship with another young person, be that mentoring, teaching, being a friendly neighbor... So much of the basis for a person's identity is formed in the early developmental life stages (childhood) and so I simply think, this complexity of these subjects should be seriously contemplated by all people

Depressing as it may sound in the lyrics, alot of life is battling, hardship, doing things we don't like to do, having to compromise our morals to get ahead, trying to establish an identity, individual to national.

So, who do you think are death's friends?
I thought perhaps death's buddies would be anger, vengeance, greed, hopelessness...


  1. I thought of a chinese proverb when reading your blog entry:

    "the fire you burn for your enemy will consume you too"

    it is a wise proverb. i have trouble letting go of anger/grudges toward some people. but i tell myself the proverb to keep myself from being "consumed". it is a real struggle sometimes. being a sensitive person, like you, i am subjected to a lot of pain from certain interpersonal relationships.

    humans are complex animals. there are so many reasons in each person why they hold onto certain feelings or behaviors.

    i also think apathy could be a friend of death.

    on another thought...i tend to think coldplay is a bit overrated :-)

  2. explain that last comment please:) haha.

    That is a good proverb.

    and another idea/thought i have for us to find and attend a quaker meeting house in tempe when i come out this summer...i think it would fit us both rather well. I just came from a worship service just this morning and i really appreciated it. I plan on trying to make the "sunday school" type thing they have before the service next time.

    again thanks for your insights.

  3. you went to a quaker meeting? or another type of worship?

    yeah, i like meeting. it really gives you a chance to meditate and try to "be in the moment" in complete silence and reflect on things. i would be happy to go to tempe friends with you if mom wants to watch the baby(s)!

  4. yes i went to a quaker meeting house in harrisburg. I'd been once or twice prior. Ok, great, lets go i'm sure Nana won't mind a bit watching her gkids:)

    miss you!!!

    p.s. does your church have a new pastor now?
