"I do not run to add days to my life. I run to add LIFE to my days."

Monday, February 11, 2008

Weekly Goals of a College Student

Stay on top of school work
No sleeping past 9 am
Swim/Lift 3x
Eat good meals and stay hydrated!
Make all my meetings and classes and other engagements (and be 10 min early to them)
Reward myself with light reading, currently that is "Pigs in Heaven" by Barbara Kingsolver
or with a fix of the movie, i heart huckabees
Talk to a friend I haven't spoken to in a while
Be prayerfully minded
Ask others to be - Pray for Mom Shelden who is currently in the hospital undergoing tests
Enjoy V Day with Freddy

Don't try and fix/plan my whole life in a day/week- One step at a time...

And: Just for kicks, I'd like to share some of my own, "6 word memoirs"

(idea taken from a post I found on my Professor's blog)

Continual Pursuit of Balance and Stability
Little Sister, Big Aunt, New Girlfriend
My Mother's 40th Birthday Present/Surprise
Suffering Accepted in Faith will Redeem
Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

Now--> YOU post/comment some of your own 6 word memoirs, its rather fun!


  1. Hi! I just found your blog from Jenell Williams Paris -- and I stopped by to say that I love your final six word memoir. I adore that verse; I actually have a story about how it helped me find a college!

    And I like the name of your blog, too -- mine is called "As Yet Untitled," same idea. :)

    Grace & peace,

  2. Thank Erlena,

    nice to "meet" you haha. Yes, Jenell is my professor, how do you know her? So just wondering if you'd like to share at all about how you got to do everything you wanted to do? Because amazingly, alot on my life list is quite similar to yours; even dancing;) Thanks, hope to hear back from you


  3. 1) College: best lessons between the lines.

    2) Amazing, coincidence flickers: stories never cease.
