"I do not run to add days to my life. I run to add LIFE to my days."

Monday, December 1, 2008

Music speaks

Just because i'm losing
Doesn't mean i'm lost
Doesn't mean i'll stop
Doesn't mean i will cross.

Just because i'm hurting
Doesn't mean i'm hurt
Doesn't mean i didn't get what i deserved
No better and no worse.
This (Coldplay's lyrics from song "Lost") is what I would have wanted to say to any friend or family member, when i came home for this past Thanksgiving holiday--to explain where I am right now in my life. that is, if i could sing instrumentally and communicate in that ideal way:)

I am finishing up this semester, constantly checking myself, my mood, and making myself persevere to not slip down depression's slippery slope and to fulfill my goal of completing my education and attaining my college degree (at last)
OH yeah, and for the benefit of myself in every way!


  1. i would just like to say dear kori, that i am continually amazed and touched that no matter what hard times and down lows you may be going through, you always seem to have an encouraging word for someone else. you are a very very encouraging friend, and i love you for that... plus so many other things ^_^

    p.s. my hair is short again! but not quite Belize-short ^_^

  2. I concur with Anna. Kori, even for what little I know and have experienced of you personally, your desire to serve-learn-grow is inspiring.

    We are not quitters! (if you got to Obama's address last evening you'll understand this reference)
