"I do not run to add days to my life. I run to add LIFE to my days."

Saturday, December 13, 2008

life in motion with constant stops.

I've noticed that recently, for some reason, i enjoy putting a period at the end of everything, like when it is not necessary. And for the first time today it dawned on me ironically that maybe this has to do with something deeper underneath the surface of my life. That is what i am attempting to do for the moment; update you readers and myself on the happenings of Kori's life in Harrisburg.

I will use Charles Dickens' introduction to his Tale of Two Cities to begin. It was the worst of times and it was the best of times now i am finished classes(best of times) and now i have to study and write many papers(worst of times)! I know the end is so close and a new beginning with it, however i'm still moving at the pace of a turtle most days, but with millions of thoughts/ideas/plans fleeting through my brain all the while, which gives the alterior feeling of moving too quicly, sprinting without thinking ahead! I bet this makes little sense to any one unfamiliar with well, there's no name for it i suppose, but this "state of mind" if you will.

However alot of good has come out of this "turtle pace" i've been taking strides in and one of them i am reminded daily, not every waking moment, but at least once a day; that there is hope. There is more to Kori's life than college, academia, papers, grades, etc. and that if she can remember this and act upon it by living out other areas of her life in relation to the college part, than the hope can sustain her. I am growing and I can see it in these tiny decisions i make each day.

Sometimes the decision is only visible to me and creates an unfortunate and unintended consequence in my close relationships, because i desire more recognition of my small but large "accomplishments". This i think is a lesson worth learning and trying hard to change about oneself and that is, to remember the other person, their life situation, their daily trials and tribulations, joys and ups and consider them with as much importance as your own. And i need not desire their recognition too highly because as we all know and learn from human interaction and experience, people will let you down, even without meaning or trying to but that is just the way things are. And is it not better to get over that hump early on so that it becomes less of a hump; in time instead of wiping out and landing on your face you will merely trip a little and then it is so little and insignificant that it is laughable! And what little things make you laugh on a dreary, hard average Tuesday of the week can actually become monumental in altering your day to a sunny one:) (i know, corny) but, believe me i have found this is how and why the small things in life actually are the most important things and the "biggest" in terms of significance and meaning to us as human beings.

AND p.s. --> laughter is seriously the BEST kind of medicine, this is why all my friends who i cherish the most all just make me laugh and enjoy life!
Thank you to them, Period.

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