"I do not run to add days to my life. I run to add LIFE to my days."

Monday, July 21, 2008

Health and Balance

At this moment, I am in my room on my bed, listening to the storm outside and the very loud rain falling on our roof. I have wanted to post for a while now and finally am glad for this moment of opportunity.

There has been a mixture of things on my mind. I feel like we live surrounded by opposites and extremes and so it makes sense for me to be thinking about so much and then other times hardly anything at all but the task at hand. There is this theme I find running through my life's monologue I keep. This theme I really have never been able to explain very well or articulate to other people for I suppose many reasons but I just want to attempt it here, now and hope for reactions.

So many times i find that in life balance is the answer to everything. Again it's this pull of both extremes and I'm not just talking about good vs. evil. You know when you always get that bit of two sense from a friend or family member that goes something to the effect of, "well you kind of just have to find that happy medium"? Well I'd pay more attention to that than you'd think.

And also I'm not talking about living a typical, boring, uneventful, impassioned or devoid of fervor and zeal of a life to stay balanced--quite the opposite, I believe every single person will have a different time of measuring and finding their balance and it will be completely YOU and no one else. I do wonder also when I begin writing this thought process out if I don't sound completely a result of my new-agey, relativistic generation? I would like to think NOT but then i turn around at the moment I say that and ask myself in response, "Self, or Kori, what is wrong with being a direct result of your generation's values and beliefs?" And I can't answer for much other than, maybe, that small inner circle of conservative and narrow-minded Christian community I was willingly raised under would say in disguised judgement that I am too liberal minded and wishy washy and don't have a convincing enough foundation for these beliefs.

Oh but I know now I have come such a way from that, from them, from what I grew up accepting with full faith and no disregard. However, not to my regret, but simply for later on realizing the multitude of OTHER beliefs that exist in our world today as well as in history, even within a single culture, religion, era, species, geographical location, etc. This is what has completely changed me or maybe I should say opened or freed me. I also want to express here that this is me and how I have been all along but much of me was forced to be left out and put on the shelf; put on hold at the time i took my Christian faith into personal ownership. After studying at college and especially my education in the field of Anthropology this other side of me that was shut out for years has finally been freed and let loose to explore all her questions, interests, desires, curiosities, fears, and hopes! And god does it feel amazing.

And So I realize now that I feel a writers block coming and nothing coherent enough to continue with, that i never really got to the actual subject of this post, i.e. BALANCE = living a healthy life. But that is ok for now. I'll be back with much more and look forward to it!

peace out:)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. balance is a theme out of many recipes for good health and wholeness. yin/yang, aligning chakras, etc. i think it is wonderful that you have opened your mind to possibilites that other cultures and religions have to offer. if you went through life having everything "figured out", you would never grow. life is a process of never ending events, all connected. the past having an effect on the present and the future, yet not completely deterimining them. each moment is a new unpredetermined, creative moment.

  3. This definitely brings me to thoughts of evangelizing and my parents views. I don't believe they grasp the concept, nor did I a few years back, that not everyone who isn't Christian is lost, looking, unhappy, living an meaningless life. "Not all who wander are lost" either. Truth.

    Many friends are completely happy and content living a religion free life. These same friends are well versed in world religions and the main US religions. Choices choices choices.

    I think a detrimental part of christianity is the idea that others are wrong. Says who? Sometimes we think other religions are far-fetched. Christianity has a never seen god that created everything in seven days (argued), somehow is three parts, sent one part to die for sins. Our sings. Crucifying on a cross was the way we are purged? I think the only very easily believable part is the common ground of love.

    Sorry not as funny as the blog might be, but took a five minute break from work to write. Hope you're doin well kiddo!
