"I do not run to add days to my life. I run to add LIFE to my days."

Saturday, June 21, 2008

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"

So, this summer I am living back at Home, with my niece, older brother and parents. It is a very interesting time in my life and I am gaining a very new perspective through this added family member living with us; Caitie, my 7 year old niece and my shadow, mind you.

I have been able to sit back and watch this child be raised by her grandparents, my parents; Nana and Pop-Pop. And this is the first time I have ever had someone younger than me since I am the baby of the family so it's quite interesting/scary/amusing/comforting. Let me explain.

When I was growing up, my sister next in age to me was my model and inspiration and basically our arguments and quibbles revolved around that truth. But, sometimes this kind of awe-like flattery can come across a little too over-the-top and annoying when you are the model. Why does she have to do everything I do? When will she just get her own life and think for herself? Why can't she just leave me a lone for a minute!? Honestly, can't she find her own creativity? And when I was the little copy-cat, shadowy image of my older sister Holly, these types of questions made little to no sense and seemed insignificant to me as a kid.

Nowadays, however I am finding myself to be the model and recipient of said copying and following from Caitie. I sometimes want to laugh at it because I see myself in her but then I see myself in Holly too and want to hide "so i can just get some peace and quiet alone". It's the age-old turning of the wheels, entering a new phase in life and seeing how the tables always do turn on you and you're forced to see yourself and your relationships through a different lens. Life is funny that way.

And so I want to draw attention to a wonderful memorable tv/book series called Anne of Green Gables because in the second installment there is a wonderful line spoken by Anne to some young admirer of hers. She says, in response to one of her girl students who claims she will wear her hair JUSt like that when she turns 18 that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". I was reminded of this the other week when I made my lunch and brought out a book to read on the deck of our house, with a bathing suit on and I find Caitie ready across the table from me with a bathing suit, visor and glasses with a stack of her "Junie B" books to read;)

This is a fundamental human way of learning and living: via imitation, doing, acting through following example. Theology/Religion relating to above--> Jesus makes sense in this train of thought because he is the Divine's ultimate example of perfection and holiness and everything we should strive after. This is all to please God but not only that; the scriptures also say it is for our own happiness and well-being; so that "it may go well with you and your off-spring." I think it so helpful and honestly a priviledge that we have recordings of Jesus so we can be his copy-cat to follow and learn and also we have many other wonderful Jesus-like figures in all different time periods, parts of the world, social classes, races, males and females. Yet i think just about EVERYONE can agree that Jesus' way of life is worthy of exemplifying.
can I get an amen?

If you read this blog, feel free to comment on this post with names of Jesus-like figures you live after.


  1. Hi Korianne,

    Thanks for the very kind and supportive comment on my blog. I appreciate it, more than you know.

    I loved this post! It reminded me so much of going home and having my little sister (she was 10 years younger) imitate EVERYTHING I did. Sometimes it drove me crazy, but mostly I thought it was sweet. She just looked up to me and who can complain about that?

    I know throughout the years I have imitated many people, trying to fit in, trying to do what was expected, trying not to be so different. However, one person stands out, my sweet friend, Lori, from college. She was a few years older, was so kind and was not afraid to speak up. She also never just went along to please people. She was pure and total grace. I know she came into my life for a reason.

    BTW, I LOVE Wicked and Idina Menzel. I also did not know there was a sound track for Garden State, loved that movie, gotta check it out now. I use to call my paternal grandparents Nana and PopPop. Loved them, so much.

    Have a good week and thanks again.

  2. I saw this card with 2 nuns on the front and one was saying in a bubble "stop copying me!" and the inside says "that's how you know they are sisters" :-) i thought of you when i was browsing cards. i'm glad you are a positive role model for caitie now. not, that i'm saying i was this great role model. i'm just saying i'm glad she has a great role model, she needs that in a big way. i can't wait to see you guys tomorrow! i forgot my psswrd so i'm publishing under anonymous..but you know who this is :-)

  3. HEY KORI!

    I've had a lot of role models, even as an older sibling :).

    My Mom: Even though I've often been the target of her criticism/frustration, I respect the way she argues - straight to the point, to the core of the person's actions, recognizing and revealing their heart-felt motivations. In other words, she has an uncanny ability to see right through. But I also admire her go-getter attitude, strategic leadership, courage in meeting new people, and her consistent lack of embarassment in all situations. She could care less what other people think of her. Growing up, I don't think I intentionally identified and modeled these characteristics; but I think I've inherited a few of them simply by imitation, like you said.

    6th grade teacher: She was a farmer...so I wanted to be a farmer.

    7th grade teacher: She was a biology teacher...so I wanted to be a biology teacher.

    My Dad: I admire his unmoving, foundational political, social, and economic opinions, his love of music and the independent artist, his desire to support the local and help his fellow man, his awe of the natural world, his simple quietness.


  4. Liz you definitely are alot like your mom, all those traits you described, i think you have and i love you both for them, ESPECIALLY your "consistent lack of embarrassment in all situations" !! thanks for sharing:)

    And holly, yeah i knew it was you right away and i think i've either given that card to you or you gave it to me b/c i know exactly what you're talking about:)
