So I have been away for quite some time. Not exactly sure why but i think it has to do with working
alot this summer, not feeling too inspired to write on much and most recently moving into my new home in Harrisburg and beginning classes this fall.
So I am back none the less and after only two "syllabus/orientation" days of class I am already full of inspiration, juices are flowing and ideas are just around the corner (i hope.) Because number one, my professors are amazing! number two I will be doing
ALOT of writing this semester and number three all of my classes rock and are in my major.
Theology of Religions
Religions of China and Japan
Old Testament Literature
History of Christianity
Biblical and Religious Studies Major Senior Seminar
I am full of different emotions at this point in the semester. As I have told many of you, I am definitely feeling this transition time in my life-entering my fifth year of College, living in a community where we share basically everything;most importantly FOOD! as well as, commuting to school so it feels more like a job and when
i'm on campus its all business and homework and when
i'm home its all social/relationship building and cooking/cleaning. And I also plan to join the swim team at Messiah, which is in its first year! exciting stuff but hard stuff, especially the whole getting into shape to compete again (haven't swam in a meet since senior year of high school 2004) and two two-a-days! waking up at 5 30 AM!? I don't know about it, but
i'm giving it a royal effort because I want to feel good about myself and I know from the past, athletics has definitely done that for me and exercising regularly is so good for anyone.
Changing topics and back to school-I'd just like to share a little advice I received from a Professor, speaking to the whole class; he told us that the key to writing is NOT creativity and artsy, impressive language and so on, but the key is- One, knowing what you want to say and Two, writing it clearly and succinctly. And what made the most impression on me was the first priority for a writer, and that being, to know what you want to say. I find now, that that has been my biggest problem area and accounts for (I think) why my writing has not been completely finished and/or clear enough to the reader, for their full understanding of my meaning. Just like that sentence, even now I am re-reading and changing things around and still it seems jumbled and confusing and a run-on.
haha, prime example.
So I am looking forward to really working on this and believe me, I will not have any problem with lack of assignments for practicing, because I am taking a writing intensive class. It is so encouraging to hear my professors say that a large goal/priority for them this semester in each particular course, is to make us better writers, thinkers and to really polish our skills in theological writing!
There is one professor whom I had prior to this year, that i have again, who is just one of those people you want to record and listen to their brilliant words over and over. He told us today that we will need to learn how to "economize our use of the English language" in writing our briefs and book reviews which have a strict word count limit.
I will sign off with a promise to you and myself to keep writing, even when I don't think it is good enough. I may post some of my book reviews and other essays if they are pertinent and I think some of you would find them intriguing and engaging enough. Remember that I look forward to your responses:)