It’s going to be a good year! Maybe even an amazing, awesome, and transforming one. Coming out of a darkness and depression can be the most high, beautiful, thankful place I can be; so maybe it was worth it? Maybe it was a load put on me that I could indeed bare but only through the help of others, God’s love manifested in their prayers and support. I have so many to thank and want to do so, on this blog:
Sara Kelly, Sarah, Mindy, Jenny – my sisters and housemates.
Elaine and Bill Shelden
Holly, Chip, Corinne and Josie and Buster
Molly, Kathy, Aaron, Suzanne, Lorenza, Paige, Haley, Rachel, Emily – my Montessori peers and friends
Jenell Paris – Anthropology professor
Laura Harrington – Dr. of psychology
Patrick, Gretch, Chris, Eddie, Nick – old and new friends!
My new “home” church called Mosaic has provided another amazing spiritual element to my life. I’ve never felt more welcome to a church or any group setting really. I want to share some of the things we reflected on and were asked to answer personally.
How has God tested my faith?
“coming to Urban Home works (the intentional community I live in) and having such passionate and prayerful roommates made me look at God again as a personal being and who I need to communicate with – in order for any good change to come to my life (which has recently been dried with a hardened heart sometimes because I left that relationship with the Lord.) And I forgot when I do so, She speaks! He’s challenged me to face my anger, jealousy, and pride. God has humbled me in the best way and through my education in Montessori too.” -me
Do you know what your best is?
“my best is loving people and seeing their best. Failure and Confidence too.” -me
And another gentleman shared that he thought it was a great question to ask himself and probably had never thought of it before-however he couldn’t find an answer to it. A woman responded to this saying that that was a sufficient answer and not knowing is a good sign that you haven’t arrived yet. I liked that.
Would you be willing to give your best to God?
Heck yes! But your best will not always be recognized by the world – be humbled and ok with it.
Do you have an action plan to begin to use your gifts, strengths, and talents?
Heck yes!
I will continue to be consistent in all areas of life, growing in self-discipline through God’s grace.
I will continue to reach out and ask for help.
**Dr. Laura Harrington opened my eyes to this truth:
“when you ask a person to help you, that is honoring them.”
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