Prayer for the Migrant
(I did not write this, we read it as a group each day before we walked in two's and single file through the border lands of Mexico and Arizona with wooden crosses named after those unknown and identified dead in the desert and a prayer tie representing all 264 "human remains recovered" as well as this year's so far 88 dead.)
Creator, full of love and mercy, I want to ask you for my Migrant brothers and sisters. Have pity on them, as they suffer mistreatments and humiliations on their journeys, are labeled dangerous, and marginalized for being foreigners. Make them be respected and valued for their dignity. Touch with your goodness the many that see them pass. Care for their families until they return to their homes, not with broken hearts but rather with hopes fulfilled. Let it be.
I can't begin to express my experience on the Migrant Trail: We Walk for Life, 2011 I just returned from today; so for now I pray this prayer and meditate on it, I hope you will too.
I Will be back this week with much MORE to share about my experience. Bless you readers and never give up hope.
KORI! THIS IS AWESOME! We need to set up a time to talk. I miss you. Do you video chat? do you have skype? I WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THIS! I want to hear about you and your life.