I have pictures to update you with some of my life happenings in Arizona visible on my link to my picasa album and go to Holly's for more if you like... as well as some breath-taking photos of the Grand Canyon below. from 6 days ago.
Down and up in 1 day. heck yes!

A nice diversion is March Madness! Still rooting for my Nova boys in Philly and it just so happens my father who I usually watch the games with, is going to be out here!! Mom comes in two weeks as well to be together for Corinne's first birthday. And THIS here; blogging, I hope more regularly with feedback highly encouraged so I know more how YOU are. And I will get back on the horse with my letter writing too--thank you for those who have written back. Thirdly, I am going to walk every morning in time to see the sunrise and jump start my day, there is a nice new exercise route Tempe town has created to walk on so it is not all traffic lights and stores:) and not to mention a mountain with trails up the waaahzooo to explore just down the road in biking distance! As you can see below and in more pictures, I have been exploring Arizona's unique terrain on hiking trips thanks to meeting someone with a similar adventurous spirit and the means to get around his home-grown desert state.
under a sweet rock at Superstition Mountains.
"dirt made my lunch, yes dirt made my lunch, thank you dirt, thanks alot-- cuz dirt, you made my lunch." -one of the kid songs i listen to in holly's car. good messages and I must get them out of my head (ha.)
One day hol and i found ourselves jamming out to one of these and there were NO kids in the car, so we quickly realized, changed to the radio and got back our dignity! (haha.)
And I would not want to forget my most recent mini-roadtrip to California a couple weekends ago. It was all to see my best friend Lizzy and her boy Kevo (no i don't call him that it just works here) while they were in Riverside, CA looking at a potential ph.d. program for the gentleman- and the lovely Emily was my co-pilot on the drive over. We had a fabulous time (met Jaclyn Smith one of the first Charlie's Angels for those unimpressed ha, she is ironically related to the gentleman Kevin, so crazy and go figure we are there the weekend of the Academy Awards none-the-less!) and then we had a nice day/night in L.A. -first time and I enjoyed it, especially the closeness to the ocean and beach life and everyone is outdoors!! it's always beautiful so no wonder, eh? almost saw Erin who lives there now, but next time it will happen, right girl?
ok, Peace out folks. until next time!!!