Thursday, December 9, 2010
Committed: This Love
the second season is back...holly, chip and I are into it and I had to share some of this amazing stuff. this group is by far the most flawless, well-rounded talent present, gospel dudes keeping it real ;)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Love is an Action
from the movie The Last Kiss
a conversation:
"Every asshole in the world says he loves somebody. it means nothing."
"But it's true!"
"It still doesn't mean anything. Because what you feel, only matters to You. It's what you do to the people you say you love, that's what matters, it is the only thing that counts."
Monday, November 29, 2010
cup of tea quote
enjoy this flash mob type of collaboration performance ;) just click on the post title
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Embracing being in my Optimistic Twenties
-Keith Urban (from the wonderfully sappy, chick-flicky soundtrack in How to Lost a Guy in 10 days)
Monday, November 22, 2010
To Love Another Person is to See the Face of God
Been to see "A Midsummer Night's Dream" ballet with my sister for her birthday, in Phoenix.
Taken to my first college football game, ASU vs. Stanford, close game but ASU still lost.
Seen the 25th Anniversary Celebration production of Les Miserables on screen, for a one night, one time showing played in select theatres throughout the U.S. It was superb and magical and as always touched me to the core:)
Glowed in admiration and pride (this fall) hearing my one and half year old niece Corinne say "Aunt Kowi" whenever I come through the front door --this is a perfect example of the title for my Blog :) And she continues to expand her vocabulary every day!!
Celebrate being employed as a teacher's assistant for a Montessori Preschool for almost three months now! I feel blessed for a job and one that I can see myself staying in and continuing my education for. And Ironically, it quickly turned into a personal dating service for Kori by her two matchmaker boss's. ha! or Rather, one blind date turned very successful and still promising :)
In my free-time/part time work status, Finished some more seasons of the HBO series Dexter and Entourage, still catching up to their current seasons now and kicking back to laugh my socks off with my mom watching the new tv hit, Modern Family, which I highly recommend to just about anyone:)
Currently reading : Harry Potter no.7 The Deathly Hallows, Three Cups of Tea, and a couple self-help books of a personal nature ;) those who talk to me often and know me won't need further explanation there.
A day back on Facebook (for desperate stalking purposes, LOL, yes I'm honest) quickly reinforced for me why I left the "social network" in the first place in the summer of '09, a test of sorts after leaving college and the east coast to allow me to choose more tangibly who and when I contact those people in my life. Using the old-fashioned ways of telephone conversations, face to face visits, e-mailing and letter writing which are (to me) more productive a way of personal communication without all the silly distractions of status updates, picture album viewings of people you hardly know and unintended time-wasted, browsing intricacies of every one's lives minus probably the most important one, oneself.
So needless to say, I'm Kori, and I've been facebook sober for 17 months ;)
And lastly, I've been taking college dance classes four nights a week, in Ballet and Jazz, which have been awesome and I plan on continuing my education there in the Spring!!
In closing, after a helpful reminder from a Sunday School session yesterday I plan to be others-minded and use my time availability as best I can to serve the less fortunate during what can be one of the hardest times for those alone, during the holidays; It was a reminder because I can definitely get caught up and stuck in my "family bubble" of happiness and easy thankfulness, that I forget what my religion and spirituality calls me to do. To live the love I've been given.
amen and peace friends!
footnote* the above title to this post is a quote/lyric in the finale of Broadway show, Les Miserables, and it is one of my favorite quotes of all time!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Can't Tell Me Nothing with Zach Galifianakis - High Quality Video
I came across this video a while ago but still watch it from time to time for a good the song is genius by Kanye:)
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Glee - Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
This is why I love Glee...can make a crappy song so fun and beautiful and make you want to sing along;)
Friday, November 12, 2010
If not Now, When? If not Me, then Who?
to whom much is given, much is tested
be the change you wish to see in the world
"She's making plans and making tracks" - Rascall Flatts
"Maybe you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be?" - Sex and the City
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Embracing a Passion
*And the Title for this post is reflective of my new appreciation for the opportunity to work at a Montessori Pre-school academy, began this school year and do believe I've found my calling or passion or as Messiah College loved to put it, my vocation.
"Little People"
They laugh at me, these fellows, just because I am small.
bonus track haha...god this woman is blessed! Enjoy Lea Salonga singing both "I dreamed a dream" as Fantine and "On my own" as Eponine from Les Miserable as well.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
hope, i am aware now, here we go...5 months later :)
you held your breath and the door for me
thanks for your patience
you're the best listener that i've ever met
you're my best friend
best friends with benefits
what took me so long
i've never felt this healthy before
i've never wanted something rational
i am aware now (i like to think i am)
i am aware now
you've already won me over in spite of me
and don't be alarmed if i fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if i love you for all that you are
i couldn't help it
it's all your fault
-alanis morissette head over feet
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Just Fine
A sampling of Verses I relate to from Alanis Morissette's very real lyrics: "Hand in my Pocket"
I'm wrong and I'm sorry.
I'm sad but I'm laughing.
I'm sick but I'm pretty.
I'm free but I'm focused.
My words: "Music is the voice of God, the voice of wisdom, age-less, time-less, speechless it is."
"Nothing is ours. All belongs to God and we are temporary tenants to the master, if you will. So, having like-minded attitude that all we possess is for the purpose of sharing then we're on a ready course to give and not hoard away selfishly."
I'm still trying to figure out how I want to write on this blog. I may try out some new things soon. Feedback is welcome, thanks!
Daily Life
I am feeling this today. I think sometimes one just needs to get dirty to appreciate cleanliness. Here's a Poem to describe this thought.
messy to clean the house, wash dishes, take out the trash
smelly to flower fragrance air freshners
be a slob to be made up and put together
eat junk to eat healthy and delicious
laziness to be diligent and productive
self-gratification to self-discipline's gift later
skip, play hooky to be present and early
be naked to being dressed
take a break to push forward
Perhaps this is my attempt at reconciling my ups and downs? Actually that is exactly what it is.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
For One Great Peace
this thread I weave this step I dance
this stone I carve
this ball I bounce
this nail I drive
this pot I shape
this fire I light
this fence I leap
this bane I knit
this seed I nurse
this rift I mend
this child I raise
this earth I tend
this truth I sign
this is a small part in one small place
of one hearts beat for one great Peace.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Four Peaks Hiking Adventure!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thank you dirt
I have pictures to update you with some of my life happenings in Arizona visible on my link to my picasa album and go to Holly's for more if you like... as well as some breath-taking photos of the Grand Canyon below. from 6 days ago.
Down and up in 1 day. heck yes!

A nice diversion is March Madness! Still rooting for my Nova boys in Philly and it just so happens my father who I usually watch the games with, is going to be out here!! Mom comes in two weeks as well to be together for Corinne's first birthday. And THIS here; blogging, I hope more regularly with feedback highly encouraged so I know more how YOU are. And I will get back on the horse with my letter writing too--thank you for those who have written back. Thirdly, I am going to walk every morning in time to see the sunrise and jump start my day, there is a nice new exercise route Tempe town has created to walk on so it is not all traffic lights and stores:) and not to mention a mountain with trails up the waaahzooo to explore just down the road in biking distance! As you can see below and in more pictures, I have been exploring Arizona's unique terrain on hiking trips thanks to meeting someone with a similar adventurous spirit and the means to get around his home-grown desert state.
under a sweet rock at Superstition Mountains.
"dirt made my lunch, yes dirt made my lunch, thank you dirt, thanks alot-- cuz dirt, you made my lunch." -one of the kid songs i listen to in holly's car. good messages and I must get them out of my head (ha.)
One day hol and i found ourselves jamming out to one of these and there were NO kids in the car, so we quickly realized, changed to the radio and got back our dignity! (haha.)
And I would not want to forget my most recent mini-roadtrip to California a couple weekends ago. It was all to see my best friend Lizzy and her boy Kevo (no i don't call him that it just works here) while they were in Riverside, CA looking at a potential ph.d. program for the gentleman- and the lovely Emily was my co-pilot on the drive over. We had a fabulous time (met Jaclyn Smith one of the first Charlie's Angels for those unimpressed ha, she is ironically related to the gentleman Kevin, so crazy and go figure we are there the weekend of the Academy Awards none-the-less!) and then we had a nice day/night in L.A. -first time and I enjoyed it, especially the closeness to the ocean and beach life and everyone is outdoors!! it's always beautiful so no wonder, eh? almost saw Erin who lives there now, but next time it will happen, right girl?
ok, Peace out folks. until next time!!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
ode to deadwood and my sister
AND so it's got me thinking and typing, a.k.a. talking to those of you who read my humble blog:)
'Just trying to keep putting one foot in front of the other' is one of the overall messages I took from this historical, mining frontier period piece, Deadwood, an American-Western fictional drama set in a real time (1870's) about a notorious law-less town called Deadwood in South Dakota.
I enjoyed the way the final episode wrapped all the different stories up. I realize this may not make much sense for anyone not having seen this HBO series that lasted only three seasons. However, there is just that pure, raw truth in it that speaks so powerfully to me-which I hope will transcend not knowing the background. we shall see.
"right or wrong you side with your feelings" -character Dan
"can you come to yourself in time to be of some fucking use?" -Dan (again) to friend and co-hort
--a question we ask of ourselves every morning, the executive producer David Milch, comments after this line of dialogue in the final episode's commentary
another great piece of dialogue
Mr. utter: you done fucking good.
Sheriff Bullock: I done fucking nothing.
Mr. Utter: that's often a tough one, in aid of the larger purpose
Sheriff Bullock: which is laying head to pillow not confusing yourself with a sucker?
Mr. Utter: far as i ever get
Sheriff Bullock: cause that's gonna be a project tonight."
David Milch again in the commentary states-"that's every night's project"
I've read some criticisms of how Deadwood was concluded and I respect Milch's defense at the end of the commentary when he says that the last line of the film spoken by Al Swearengen "camp's boss" is, "he wants me to tell him something pretty" parallels quite well how he intended to complete the show.
He says,
"tell something pretty, to please the audience you know...don't feel that the failure to wrap things up, is a failure. It's not, it's just a refusal to tell something pretty...
Speaking truth to power is a great motif as well throughout Deadwood, as the growth from camp to town, going through many changes and outside forces entering in trying to disturb the way things are- you get to watch amazing character actors perform.
I hope this turns some of you on to watching this show on dvd--the language takes some getting used to, both the profanity and Shakespearean-like prose, I will say that much, BUT please believe me it is so worth it!
I heard somewhere that this television drama series is already being discussed in college class rooms.
Thanks Holly for introducing me to Deadwood.
Friday, January 8, 2010
"how you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get down the mountain. and, so it is with life, which for many of us becomes one big gigantic test followed by one big gigantic lesson. in the end, i all comes down to one word. grace. it's how you accept winning and losing, good luck and bad luck, the darkness and the light."
this is quickly becoming my life philosophy. And it has not always been. I remember when everything was so black and white and what and who was right and wrong were clear to me; made even clearer through my Christian upbringing. But now as I am older and more "worldly" shall I say, i.e. I've been outside the country, even outside my hometown would do it, taken challenging college courses, etc...AND now for me life is all about balance between the black and white/right and wrong and with that comes grace. Every person has different equations, I suppose, my goal is
humility + openness(love) = Grace
Here's a sweet lyric from the band Switchfoot, I've been listening to in the car- on my 'lovely half hour commute to work!'
"Life is a day that doesn't last for long...We've got information in the information age ,what do we know what life is, outside of our convenient Lexus cages. she said he said live like no tomorrow every moment that we borrow brings us closer to the God whose not short of cash, hey bono i'm glad you asked life still worth living, life is still worth living"
even when it's not perfect.